Finally getting around to getting this blog up and running. I have some pretty exciting things coming up. I graduate next week (FINALLY!!!). After going to school and working full time, a lot of my side projects and readings have fallen to the wayside. With graduation upcoming, I plan on diving back in to my side projects, building up my portfolio, reading a few books I have had sitting on the shelf, but most importantly, have fun!


Feel free to join me on this adventure and I look forward to talking to and collaborating with others. Some of the items on the horizon:

Reading - ASP.NET Core in Action. This is a book I picked up during the summer. Wanted to read through it. I’ve done quite a few school projects using ASP.NET Core, and feel like I have a pretty good understanding on the ins and out of it. However, even with reading the documentation provided by Microsoft (which their docs team does such a great job), a lot of the projects that I worked on were pieced together. Getting things to work to meet deadlines. Reading this book I am excited to learn new ways of tackling ASP.NET Core projects. I have an upcoming project to help a local business/friend, and this book will definitely help me get ont he right path!

Upcoming Projects - Reinforce Learning and the AWS DeepRacer. I put in my preorder for the DeepRacer. This looks like a fun way to dive deeper into RL and ML (Machine Learning). I am looking forward to this, and who knows, may we will compete in the races! :)

Find out more here: AWS DeepRacer